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#4C0001 Dark Crimson
#FFFF00 Bright Yellow
#0033CC Cobalt Blue
#FF0000 Fire Engine Red

I need a color palette with the color #4C0001, yellow, blue and red

Palette Description

 <Dramatic Contrast>
1. Dark Crimson - 
                         - A deep, rich red that evokes intensity and passion.
2. Bright Yellow - 
                         - A vibrant, cheerful yellow that adds energy and optimism.
3. Cobalt Blue - 
                         - A bold blue that brings a sense of trust and stability.
4. Fire Engine Red - 
                         - A striking red that captures attention and enhances the sense of urgency.

This color palette features a dramatic contrast between deep, passionate hues and bright, energetic colors, making it ideal for designs that require high visibility and emotional impact.

Would you like to explore variations in shades or perhaps additional colors? Or do you have a specific application in mind for this palette?