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#191970 Midnight Blue
#BF00FF Electric Purple
#808080 Urban Gray
#008080 Soulful Teal

A color palette for an afroamerican teenager that wears a vest

Palette Description

Color Palette:
1. Color Name: Midnight Blue
Hex Code: #191970
Description: Represents sophistication and elegance, perfect for a stylish teenager.
2. Color Name: Electric Purple
Hex Code: #BF00FF
Description: Adds a vibrant pop of color, reflecting creativity and individuality.
3. Color Name: Urban Gray
Hex Code: #808080
Description: A versatile and modern neutral color that complements any outfit.
4. Color Name: Soulful Teal
Hex Code: #008080
Description: A calming and refreshing shade, symbolizing depth and intelligence.