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#FFD700 Mellow Yellow
#FFDAB9 Soft Peach
#E6E6FA Lavender Love
#FFB6C1 Petal Pink
#87CEEB Sky Blue
#228B22 Forest Green


Palette Description

Color Palette: Pet

1. Color Name: Mellow Yellow
   Hex Code: 
   Description: A warm and cheerful yellow, reminiscent of golden sunshine and happy moments.

2. Color Name: Soft Peach
   Hex Code: 
   Description: A delicate and soothing peach tone, evoking feelings of warmth and comfort.

3. Color Name: Lavender Love
   Hex Code: 
   Description: A serene and elegant lavender shade, symbolizing grace and beauty.

4. Color Name: Petal Pink
   Hex Code: 
   Description: A sweet and feminine pink hue, like the soft petals of a blooming flower.

5. Color Name: Sky Blue
   Hex Code: 
   Description: A calming and tranquil blue, reminiscent of clear skies and peaceful moments.

6. Color Name: Forest Green
   Hex Code: 
   Description: A deep and rich green shade, inspired by lush forests and natural beauty.