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#0072B8 Electric Blue
#F3D200 Bright Yellow
#000000 Black
#4CAF50 Green Hill Grass


Palette Description

 <Sonic Color Palette>
1. Electric Blue - 
                         - A vibrant and energetic shade of blue, reminiscent of Sonic's iconic color.
2. Bright Yellow - 
                         - A bold yellow that captures the essence of Sonic's speedy personality and optimism.
3. Black - 
                         - A deep black providing contrast and emphasizing Sonic's dynamic character.
4. White - 
                         - A clean white that represents clarity and speed, often used in Sonic's branding.
5. Green Hill Grass - 
                         - A refreshing green that reflects the lush landscapes of Sonic's world.

This color palette draws inspiration from Sonic the Hedgehog, focusing on vibrant and energetic colors that capture the character’s essence and environment. The combination of blue, yellow, black, white, and green creates a lively and dynamic aesthetic suitable for various design applications related to Sonic.

What specific project or application are you working on that involves this color palette?