Huehive Logo


#FFB347 Happy Hour
#FF69B4 Bubblegum
#0077be Ocean Blue
#F7DC6F Lemonade
#BF00FF Electric Purple
#00FF7F Minty Fresh
#FF4500 Sunset

design website

Palette Description

1. Happy Hour - 
                         - This warm and playful orange is perfect for a social website that promotes fun and enjoyment.

2. Bubblegum - 
                         - This bright and bold pink is perfect for a website that is all about sharing and connecting with friends.

3. Ocean Blue - 
                         - This deep and calming blue is perfect for a website that promotes relaxation and tranquility.

4. Lemonade - 
                         - This refreshing yellow is perfect for a website that encourages positivity and optimism.

5. Electric Purple - 
                         - This vibrant and eye-catching purple is perfect for a website that wants to make a statement and stand out from the crowd.

6. Minty Fresh - 
                         - This cool and soothing green is perfect for a website that promotes health and wellness.

7. Sunset - 
                         - This bold and fiery red is perfect for a website that promotes excitement and adventure.