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#DF4907 Orange Red
#FFB703 Marigold
#FF6B6B Coral
#FFC107 Sunflower
#FEB144 Apricot
#FFA544 Tangerine
#FF7F50 Papaya
#FF7518 Pumpkin
#E25822 Flame
#FFA500 Orange
#ED9121 Carrot
#D2691E Cinnamon


Palette Description

Color Palette:
1. Orange Red - 
2. Marigold - 
3. Coral - 
4. Sunflower - 
5. Apricot - 
6. Tangerine - 
7. Papaya - 
8. Pumpkin - 
9. Flame - 
10. Mango - 
11. Carrot - 
12. Cinnamon - 

Palette Description: This palette is inspired by the warm and vibrant tones of autumn, featuring shades of orange ranging from deep reds to bright yellows. The colors evoke feelings of energy, warmth, and creativity, making them perfect for projects that aim to stand out and make a bold statement.