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#FF6961 Pastel Red
#FFB347 Pastel Orange
#FFD966 Pastel Yellow
#C3E889 Pastel Light Green
#77DD77 Pastel Dark Green
#AEC6CF Pastel Blue

Pastel red pastel orange pastel yellow pastel light green pastel dark green

Palette Description

Color Palette:
1. Pastel Red (
                        ) - A soft and delicate red reminiscent of blooming roses.
2. Pastel Orange (
                        ) - A warm and inviting orange hue like a setting sun.
3. Pastel Yellow (
                        ) - A cheerful and sunny yellow shade that brightens any palette.
4. Pastel Light Green (
                        ) - A soothing and fresh green color that evokes nature's tranquility.
5. Pastel Dark Green (
                        ) - A muted and sophisticated green tone reminiscent of lush forests.
6. Pastel Blue (
                        ) - A calming and serene blue shade that brings a sense of peace and tranquility.