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#FF0000 Red
#DC143C Lollipop
#E0115F Rubylicious
#FF5368 Ripe Malinka
#FF007F Berry Blast
#FF7F50 Coral
#FFA500 Orange
#FFBF00 Amber
#FFD700 Gold
#BFFF00 Limoncello
#7FFF00 Lethal Lime
#008000 Hulk

color palette from red to green

Palette Description

Color Palette: Red to Green Transition

1. Red: 
                         - A vibrant and bold shade of red.
2. Crimson: 
                         - A deep red with a touch of purple.
3. Ruby: 
                         - A rich and intense shade of red.
4. Cherry: 
                         - A bright and lively red hue.
5. Rose: 
                         - A soft and elegant pinkish-red.
6. Coral: 
                         - A warm and inviting shade of red-orange.
7. Orange: 
                         - A vibrant and energetic orange hue.
8. Amber: 
                         - A golden yellow-orange color.
9. Gold: 
                         - A luxurious and radiant golden shade.
10. Lime: 
                         - A bold and zesty green-yellow.
11. Chartreuse: 
                         - A vibrant and fresh green hue.
12. Green: 
                         - A classic and calming shade of green.

Description: This color palette transitions from various shades of red, gradually blending into vibrant oranges and finally transforming into fresh and lively greens. It captures the spectrum of warm, energetic tones to cool, calming hues, offering a diverse range of colors for design projects.