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#FF4500 Flame Red
#A9A9A9 Smoke Gray
#F0E68C Safety Yellow
#333333 Charcoal Black
#F5F5F5 Ash White

color palette for fire protection website

Palette Description

1. Flame Red - 
                         - This vibrant red is the color of heat and danger, making it the ideal choice for a fire protection website.

2. Smoke Gray - 
                         - A light, cool gray that represents the smoke that often accompanies fires.

3. Safety Yellow - 
                         - This bright yellow is frequently used for safety and warning signs, making it a perfect fit for a fire protection website.

4. Charcoal Black - 
                         - The dark, inky black of charcoal represents the aftermath of a fire and the destruction it leaves behind.

5. Ash White - 
                         - A light, neutral white that provides a clean contrast to the fiery red and smoky gray hues in this palette. It also represents the purity and renewal that come after a fire has been extinguished.