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#B22222 Firebrick
#738F9A Smoke
#C6C6C6 Ash
#36454F Charcoal
#F2C94C Safety Yellow

color palette for passive fire protection website

Palette Description

Color Palette for Passive Fire Protection Website:

1. Firebrick - 
                         - a deep red hue that represents the strength and durability of fire-resistant materials.

2. Smoke - 
                         - a muted gray-blue shade that symbolizes the aftermath of a fire and the importance of preventing it.

3. Ash - 
                         - a light gray color that represents the insulating and protective qualities of fireproof materials.

4. Charcoal - 
                         - a dark gray color that evokes the image of charred wood and the importance of protecting against flames.

5. Safety Yellow - 
                         - a bright, attention-grabbing hue that highlights the importance of safety and prevention in fire protection.