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#00FFFF Electric Blue
#39FF14 Neon Green
#FF69B4 Hot Pink
#800080 Deep Purple
#FF4500 Burnt Orange

Film studio that's energetic and a little weird

Palette Description

1. Electric Blue - 
                         - This vibrant shade of blue represents the energy and excitement of a film studio. It's a bold and attention-grabbing color that embodies the creative spirit of the industry.

2. Neon Green - 
                         - This fluorescent green hue adds a touch of weirdness to the palette. It's an unexpected color that represents the quirky and unconventional nature of many film studios.

3. Hot Pink - 
                         - This playful shade of pink adds a fun and feminine touch to the palette. It represents the passion and enthusiasm that filmmakers have for their craft.

4. Deep Purple - 
                         - This rich and regal color adds a touch of drama to the palette. It represents the intensity and emotion that can be found in many films.

5. Burnt Orange - 
                         - This warm and earthy color adds a touch of depth to the palette. It represents the grit and realism that many filmmakers strive for in their work.