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#000000 Midnight Black
#FF0000 Blood Red
#808080 Steel Grey
#4B0082 Deep Purple
#FF7F50 Rusty Orange
#00C957 Emerald Green
#B0C4DE Ashen Blue

color palette for a set of edgy tarot cards

Palette Description

Color Palette: Edgy Tarot Cards

1. Midnight Black (
                        ) - A deep, rich black that represents mystery and the unknown.

2. Blood Red (
                        ) - A bold, intense red that symbolizes passion and danger.

3. Steel Grey (
                        ) - A cool, neutral grey that represents strength and resilience.

4. Deep Purple (
                        ) - A dark, moody purple that represents magic and mysticism.

5. Rusty Orange (
                        ) - A warm, rusty orange that represents transformation and change.

6. Emerald Green (
                        ) - A vibrant green that represents growth and prosperity.

7. Ashen Blue (
                        ) - A pale, muted blue that represents clarity and intuition.

This color palette is perfect for creating edgy tarot cards that are both mysterious and bold. The deep black and blood red colors add a sense of danger and intrigue, while the cool grey and pale blue colors represent clarity and intuition. The rusty orange and deep purple colors add a touch of magic and mysticism, while the vibrant green represents growth and transformation.