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#FF69B4 Bubblegum Pink
#87CEEB Sky Blue
#FFFF00 Lemon Yellow
#E6E6FA Lavender
#98FB98 Mint Green
#FFE5B4 Peach

color palette for kids room interior

Palette Description

Color Palette for Kids Room Interior:

1. Bubblegum Pink (
                        ) - A bright and playful shade of pink that is perfect for creating a fun and energetic atmosphere in a kids room.

2. Sky Blue (
                        ) - A light and airy shade of blue that brings a sense of tranquility and calmness to the room.

3. Lemon Yellow (
                        ) - A bold and vibrant shade of yellow that adds a pop of color and energy to the room.

4. Lavender (
                        ) - A soft and calming shade of purple that creates a soothing and peaceful atmosphere in the room.

5. Mint Green (
                        ) - A refreshing and soothing shade of green that adds a touch of nature to the room.

6. Peach (
                        ) - A warm and inviting shade of orange that creates a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in the room.

This color palette combines bright and bold colors with soft and calming shades to create a fun and inviting atmosphere in a kids room. The playful colors are perfect for stimulating creativity and imagination, while the soothing colors promote relaxation and calmness.