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#FFC6D9 Bubblegum Pink
#87CEEB Sky Blue
#FFF44F Lemon Yellow
#00FF7F Spring Green
#E6E6FA Lavender

color palette for kids room interior

Palette Description

1. Bubblegum Pink (
                        ) - A soft and sweet shade of pink that adds a playful touch to any kids' room. Perfect for accent walls or bedding.

2. Sky Blue (
                        ) - A light and airy shade of blue that evokes a sense of calm and tranquility. Ideal for painting the ceiling or incorporating in furniture pieces.

3. Lemon Yellow (
                        ) - A bright and cheerful shade of yellow that adds a pop of energy to the room. Perfect for accenting with throw pillows or curtains.

4. Spring Green (
                        ) - A fresh and vibrant shade of green that brings the outdoors inside. Great for painting the walls or incorporating in artwork.

5. Lavender (
                        ) - A calming and soothing shade of purple that promotes relaxation and restfulness. Ideal for bedding or as an accent color in decor.