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#1E88E5 Too Blue to be True
#FFC107 Marigold
#FF5252 Red Mana
#757575 Sonic Silver

dynamic theme color material3 for android

Palette Description

Color Palette: Dynamic Theme Color Material3 for Android

1. Primary Color: 
   - Name: Electric Blue
   - Hex Code: 
   - Description: This vibrant shade of blue represents the primary color of the dynamic theme for Material3, giving the interface a bold and energetic look.

2. Secondary Color:
   - Name: Sunflower Yellow
   - Hex Code: 
   - Description: This sunny shade of yellow is the secondary color in the dynamic Material3 theme, providing a cheerful contrast to the primary blue hue.

3. Accent Color:
   - Name: Coral Pink
   - Hex Code: 
   - Description: This warm shade of pink serves as the accent color in the Material3 theme, adding a touch of playfulness and femininity to the overall design.

4. Neutral Color:
   - Name: Slate Grey
   - Hex Code: 
   - Description: This cool shade of grey is used as a neutral color in the Material3 theme, providing a subtle backdrop for the more vibrant hues and helping to balance the overall color scheme.