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#1F2937 Dark
#00C853 Alienated
#E0E0E0 Kingly Cloud
#424242 Black Panther
#FF7F50 Coral

colors to display fallback and affimative

Palette Description

1. Fallback: 
                         - This deep blue-grey is a perfect neutral to use as a fallback color for text or backgrounds. Its hex code is 

2. Affirmative: 
                         - This bright green is a great color to use for affirmative actions or buttons. Its hex code is 

3. Light Grey: 
                         - This light grey is a subtle and calming color that can be used as a background or accent. Its hex code is 

4. Dark Grey: 
                         - This dark grey is a strong and intense color that can be used as an accent or background. Its hex code is 

5. Coral: 
                         - This vibrant coral color is perfect for adding a pop of color to designs. Its hex code is 