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#36454f Charcoal Grey
#00a3e0 Electric Blue
#f2e394 Pale Yellow
#6b8e23 Olive Green
#c40000 Deep Red

color palette for audit tool

Palette Description

1. Charcoal Grey - 
                         - A dark and sophisticated shade of grey that exudes professionalism and authority. Perfect for the main color of an audit tool's interface.

2. Electric Blue - 
                         - A vibrant and energetic blue that adds a pop of color and excitement to the design. Use it for accent elements and buttons.

3. Pale Yellow - 
                         - A soft and warm yellow that adds a touch of friendliness and approachability to the design. Great for highlighting important information.

4. Olive Green - 
                         - A muted green that conveys stability and reliability. Use it for section headings or as a background color for tables and charts.

5. Deep Red - 
                         - A bold and attention-grabbing red that adds a sense of urgency and importance to the design. Use it sparingly for important warnings or alerts.