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#87CEEB Sky Blue
#98FF98 Mint Green
#FFDAB9 Peach
#E6E6FA Lavender
#F4A460 Sand
#FFFFF0 Ivory

simple colour pallete for simple excel report

Palette Description

Color Palette:

1. Color Name: Sky Blue
   Hex Code: 
   Description: A light and soothing blue color resembling the clear sky on a sunny day.

2. Color Name: Mint Green
   Hex Code: 
   Description: A fresh and calming green color reminiscent of mint leaves.

3. Color Name: Peach
   Hex Code: 
   Description: A soft and warm peach color that adds a touch of sweetness to the palette.

4. Color Name: Lavender
   Hex Code: 
   Description: A delicate and elegant purple color resembling the scent of lavender flowers.

5. Color Name: Sand
   Hex Code: 
   Description: A neutral sandy color that brings a sense of warmth and tranquility to the palette.

6. Color Name: Ivory
   Hex Code: 
   Description: A creamy off-white color that adds a subtle touch of sophistication to the palette.