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#F9D7D6 Ballet
#FF7F50 Coral
#FA8072 Smoked Salmon
#E6B8B7 Perfect Pink
#FF007F Berry Blast

background light red colors

Palette Description

Color Palette: Background Light Red

1. Pale Pink: 
                         - This soft pink shade is reminiscent of delicate rose petals and adds a feminine touch to any design.

2. Coral: 
                         - A warm and inviting shade of orange-pink, coral brings a tropical vibe to your color scheme.

3. Salmon: 
                         - This muted shade of pink-orange is perfect for creating a calming and relaxing atmosphere.

4. Blush: 
                         - A sophisticated and elegant shade of pink, blush adds a touch of glamour to any design.

5. Rose: 
                         - A bold and vibrant shade of pink-red, rose is perfect for creating a statement and adding a pop of color to your design. 

Description: This color palette features five shades of light red, ranging from soft pastels to bold hues. These colors are perfect for creating a warm, inviting atmosphere with a touch of sophistication. Use them in your backgrounds, graphics, or branding to add a feminine touch while still maintaining a modern feel.