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Palette Description

Color Palette:
1. Turquoise Green - #00CED1 - A refreshing and calming shade of green that resembles the color of the ocean.
2. Coral Pink - #FF7F50 - A warm and vibrant shade of pink that exudes energy and passion.
3. Lavender - #E6E6FA - A soft and soothing shade of purple that represents elegance and grace.
4. Mustard Yellow - #FFDB58 - A bold and playful shade of yellow that adds a pop of color to any palette.
5. Slate Grey - #708090 - A cool and sophisticated shade of grey that radiates class and timeless style.
This color palette combines a range of hues that evoke a sense of harmony and balance. The turquoise green and coral pink provide a striking contrast, while the lavender and mustard yellow add a touch of whimsy. The slate grey serves as a neutral base, grounding the palette and giving it a refined edge. Overall, this palette is perfect for creating a fresh and modern look with a hint of retro charm.