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#88B04B Amoeba Green
#4B88A2 Amoeba Blue
#F5B041 Amoeba Yellow
#E67E22 Amoeba Orange
#EAEAEA Background Grey
#000000 Contrasting Black

list of 4 colours of colour coded amoeba viewed under the microscope + background colour + contrasting colour

Palette Description

Color Palette:

1. Amoeba Green - 
                         - This color represents the vibrant green hue of the amoeba viewed under the microscope. It is a fresh and lively shade of green that will add a pop of color to any design.

2. Amoeba Blue - 
                         - This color is inspired by the blue tint that amoeba takes when viewed under the microscope. It is a cool and calming shade of blue that will complement the vibrant green of the amoeba.

3. Amoeba Yellow - 
                         - This color represents the bright yellow color that amoeba can take when viewed under the microscope. It is a cheerful and energetic shade of yellow that will add a playful touch to any design.

4. Amoeba Orange - 
                         - This color is inspired by the orange hue that amoeba can take when viewed under the microscope. It is a warm and inviting shade of orange that will complement the other colors in this palette.

5. Background Grey - 
                         - This color represents the neutral grey background that amoeba are typically viewed against under the microscope. It is a soft and subtle shade of grey that will create a calming and balanced base for this palette.

6. Contrasting Black - 
                         - This color is a bold and dramatic contrast to the other colors in this palette. It can be used to create a high-contrast design or to add emphasis to specific elements.