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Palette Description

Color Palette: "Serene Boldness"
1. #ECF1F5 - Misty Blue (Main color, represents calmness and tranquility)
2. #121F91 - Navy Blue (Bold accent, represents strength and confidence)
3. #EA2127 - Fire Engine Red (Vibrant accent, represents energy and passion)
4. #D0E3F4 - Powder Blue (Soft accent, represents subtlety and elegance)
5. #B2C4D9 - Steel Blue (Neutral accent, represents stability and reliability)
6. #F2F7FA - Ice Blue (Soft background, represents purity and clarity)
7. #C5D1E1 - Light Blue Grey (Neutral background, represents balance and harmony)
8. #F5A623 - Orange (Vibrant accent, represents enthusiasm and creativity)
9. #D6DCEA - Pale Blue (Soft accent, represents innocence and simplicity)
10. #AEB9CD - Grey Blue (Neutral accent, represents calmness and neutrality)