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#D1CFDC Iron Maiden
#B0E1D9 Ice Cube
#645432 Olive Bark
#1C1C1C Lead
#6D3B3B Hot Chocolate
#E5E5E5 Placebo

Character design palette for a surly but innocent vampire. Eye colour: B0E1D9, Skin colour: D1CFDC, Skin's shadow colour: 645432. Hair colour is black

Palette Description

Here's a color palette designed for a surly but innocent vampire character, reflecting their unique characteristics and personality:

### Color Palette: Surly Innocence

1. **Pale Moonlight**
   - **Hex Code:** 
   - **Description:** A soft, ethereal skin tone that embodies the vampire's innocent side, with a hint of cool undertones that suggest a life spent in the shadows.

2. **Gloomy Twilight**
   - **Hex Code:** 
   - **Description:** A tranquil and slightly mysterious shade, representing the character's striking eye color. This hue captures both innocence and an enigmatic allure.

3. **Shadowed Earth**
   - **Hex Code:** 
   - **Description:** A deep, muted brown that serves as the shadow color for the skin. It adds depth and a hint of darkness, reflecting the vampire's surly nature.

4. **Nightfall Black**
   - **Hex Code:** 
   - **Description:** A classic black shade for the hair, symbolizing the character's traditional vampire traits and a stark contrast to their lighter features.

5. **Crimson Gloom**
   - **Hex Code:** 
   - **Description:** A dark, muted red that hints at the vampire's dark past and thirst for blood, adding a touch of intensity to the palette without overwhelming the other colors.

6. **Moonlit Mist**
   - **Hex Code:** 
   - **Description:** A light, soft gray that can be used for clothing or accessories, representing the foggy realms of mystery and the ethereal nature of the vampire's existence.

### Summary
This palette balances the innocent and surly aspects of the vampire character, with light colors that suggest purity and darkness that hints at their true nature. The combination of these hues creates a harmonious yet intriguing look for a character that embodies both contradictions.