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#fefe33 Lemon Yellow
#d8c364 Mustard Yellow
#7f9938 Olive Green
#c95e3d Rust Orange
#b04a37 Terracotta


Palette Description

Color Palette:

1. Lemon Yellow - 
                         - A bright and vibrant yellow that exudes happiness and energy.

2. Mustard Yellow - 
                         - A warm and earthy yellow that adds depth and richness to any design.

3. Olive Green - 
                         - A muted green with hints of yellow that represents nature, growth and stability.

4. Rust Orange - 
                         - A burnt orange shade that adds warmth and vibrancy to any design.

5. Terracotta - 
                         - A reddish-brown color that is reminiscent of clay and adds a rustic and grounded feel to any design.

Description: This color palette features five warm and earthy tones that create a harmonious and balanced look. The combination of bright and muted yellows, greens and oranges are perfect for designs that require a natural and organic feel. The colors work well together and can be used in various ways to create a cohesive and visually appealing design.