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#048edc Magical Merlin

```color_palette 1. Sapphire Blue - #048edc - This rich, vibrant blue hue is reminiscent of the deep blue ocean and adds a touch of elegance to any design. 2. Aqua Marine - #00c9b1 - This refreshing greenish-blue tone is reminiscent of tropical waters and creates a calming, relaxed atmosphere. 3. Lavender Gray - #c9c9c9 - This soft, muted grayish-purple hue is perfect for creating a subtle and sophisticated palette. 4. Coral Pink - #ff6f61 - This eye-catching shade of pink adds a touch of energy and excitement to any design, and pairs well with the other hues in this palette. 5. Ivory White - #f7f7f7 - This pure, clean white tone is the perfect neutral to balance out the other colors in this palette and create a cohesive look. ```

Palette Description
