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Palette Description

### Color Palette for Personal Finances Categories
#### Palette Name: Financial Harmony
1. **Income Green**
- **Hex Code:** #4CAF50
- **Description:** A vibrant and uplifting green that represents income and earnings. This color conveys a sense of prosperity and growth.
2. **Expense Red**
- **Hex Code:** #F44336
- **Description:** A bold red that signifies expenses and outflows. It serves as a warning and draws attention to where money is being spent.
3. **Savings Blue**
- **Hex Code:** #2196F3
- **Description:** A calming blue that embodies savings and security. This color promotes a sense of stability and trust in financial planning.
4. **Investment Gold**
- **Hex Code:** #FFC107
- **Description:** A rich gold that symbolizes investments and potential returns. This color radiates optimism and wealth-building opportunities.
5. **Debt Orange**
- **Hex Code:** #FF9800
- **Description:** A striking orange that represents debt and liabilities. It is an alerting color that encourages careful monitoring of borrowed funds.
6. **Budget Purple**
- **Hex Code:** #9C27B0
- **Description:** A sophisticated purple that signifies budgeting and financial planning. This color adds a sense of creativity and strategy to managing finances.
### Summary
This color palette combines vibrant and meaningful colors to distinguish various categories in a personal finances sheet effectively. Each hue not only serves a functional purpose but also evokes emotions associated with financial management, making it visually appealing and easy to navigate.