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#0056B3 Blue Chip
#FF6F61 Pastel Red
#FFC107 Marigold
#228B22 Oriental Herbs
#708090 Chain Gang Grey
#E6E6FA Foundation White

colour plate for main headers and supporting headers. There are 6 headers

Palette Description

Here’s a color palette designed for main headers and supporting headers, featuring six distinct colors. This palette balances vibrancy and readability, making it suitable for various design contexts.

### Color Palette for Main and Supporting Headers

1. **Royal Blue**
   - **Hex Code:** 
   - **Description:** A strong and vibrant blue that captures attention, making it perfect for main headers. It conveys professionalism and trust.

2. **Coral Red**
   - **Hex Code:** 
   - **Description:** A warm and inviting coral that works well for supporting headers. It adds a pop of color and energy to the design, drawing the viewer’s eye.

3. **Golden Yellow**
   - **Hex Code:** 
   - **Description:** A bright and cheerful yellow that complements both main and supporting headers. It can be used for highlights or accents, adding a sense of optimism.

4. **Forest Green**
   - **Hex Code:** 
   - **Description:** A deep and calming green that provides a grounding effect for supporting headers. It evokes feelings of stability and growth.

5. **Slate Gray**
   - **Hex Code:** 
   - **Description:** A sophisticated gray that works well for secondary headers, offering a neutral contrast to the more vibrant colors while maintaining readability.

6. **Lavender Purple**
   - **Hex Code:** 
   - **Description:** A soft and gentle lavender that can be used for less prominent headers. It adds a touch of elegance and tranquility to the overall design.

### Summary
This palette combines boldness with subtlety, making it ideal for a structured layout where the main headers need to stand out while supporting headers complement the hierarchy without overwhelming the viewer.