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Palette Description

Here’s a color palette inspired by your flowchart with specific color categories for different components. Each color has a name, hex code, and a brief description of its intended use in the flowchart.
### Color Palette for Flowchart Components
1. **Client Application**
- **Color Name:** Soft Lavender
- **Hex Code:** #E6E6FA
- **Description:** A light and calming shade that represents the user-facing component, creating a welcoming interface.
2. **API Gateway**
- **Color Name:** Sky Blue
- **Hex Code:** #87CEEB
- **Description:** A bright and clear blue that signifies the entry point for requests, suggesting reliability and ease of access.
3. **Service A & Service B (Compute Services)**
- **Color Name:** Light Pink
- **Hex Code:** #FFB6C1
- **Description:** A gentle pink that denotes the core processing services, offering a friendly and approachable feel.
4. **DynamoDB (Database)**
- **Color Name:** Light Steel Blue
- **Hex Code:** #B0C4DE
- **Description:** A cooler blue that indicates stability and structure, perfect for representing databases where data is stored securely.
5. **S3 Bucket (Storage)**
- **Color Name:** Light Orchid
- **Hex Code:** #E6A8D7
- **Description:** A soft, warm purple that symbolizes storage services, suggesting creativity and organization.
6. **SNS Topic & SQS Queue (Messaging Services)**
- **Color Name:** Pale Green
- **Hex Code:** #98FB98
- **Description:** A refreshing green that conveys communication and connection, ideal for messaging components within the architecture.
### Summary
This palette uses soft and inviting colors to represent different components of a cloud architecture flowchart, enhancing readability and providing a vibrant yet cohesive look. Each color is chosen to symbolize the function of the component it represents, making the flowchart both informative and visually appealing.