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#6A0DAD Royal Purple
#FFB6C1 Soft Pink
#FFD700 Gold
#40E0D0 Teal or Turquoise
#C0C0C0 Silver
#F5F5DC Cream or Beige

Royal Purple: #6A0DAD Soft Pink: #FFB6C1 Gold: #FFD700 Teal or Turquoise: #40E0D0 Silver: #C0C0C0 Cream or Beige: #F5F5DC White: #FFFFFF

Palette Description

1. Royal Purple - 
                         - Dark purple hue with a royal touch
2. Soft Pink - 
                         - Delicate and gentle pink shade
3. Gold - 
                         - Luxurious and radiant metallic gold color
4. Teal or Turquoise - 
                         - Refreshing and vibrant teal or turquoise tone
5. Silver - 
                         - Elegant and sophisticated silver shade
6. Cream or Beige - 
                         - Soft and warm cream or beige color
7. White - 
                         - Pure and classic white hue