Huehive Logo


#FF6600 Vibrant Orange
#CCCCCC Soft Gray
#003399 Deep Blue
#66CC66 Fresh Green
#FFFF99 Light Yellow

Colour scheme for app software where the brand colour of the company is orange

Palette Description

Color Palette for App Software:

1. Color Name: Vibrant Orange
   Hex Code: 
   Palette Description: This vibrant orange color represents the brand identity of the company. It evokes energy, enthusiasm, and creativity, making it an ideal choice for highlighting important elements and creating a visually appealing app interface.

2. Color Name: Soft Gray
   Hex Code: 
   Palette Description: Soft gray acts as a neutral background color, allowing the vibrant orange to stand out. It creates a sense of balance and elegance, making the overall design more visually pleasing and easy on the eyes.

3. Color Name: Deep Blue
   Hex Code: 
   Palette Description: Deep blue provides a complementary and contrasting color to the vibrant orange. It adds depth and sophistication to the app interface, creating a visually striking combination that grabs attention and enhances the overall user experience.

4. Color Name: Fresh Green
   Hex Code: 
   Palette Description: Fresh green adds a touch of nature and freshness to the color scheme. It can be used to highlight specific elements or create a sense of positivity and growth within the app. This color creates a pleasant contrast with the vibrant orange, making the design more visually interesting.

5. Color Name: Light Yellow
   Hex Code: 
   Palette Description: Light yellow serves as a subtle accent color in the palette. It can be used sparingly to draw attention to particular sections or provide a warm and inviting atmosphere within the app. The combination of light yellow with the vibrant orange creates a harmonious and uplifting color scheme.