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#98DBC6 Fresh Mint
#FDD365 Sunshine Yellow
#68ACE5 Serene Blue
#FF5454 Passionate Red
#C0C0C0 Neutral Gray

color palette for To do App organisation

Palette Description

Color Palette for To-Do App Organization:

1. Color Name: Fresh Mint
   Hex Code: 
   Palette Description: This soft and soothing green shade represents a fresh start and a sense of renewal. It promotes a calm and peaceful environment, making it ideal for tasks related to relaxation and self-care.

2. Color Name: Sunshine Yellow
   Hex Code: 
   Palette Description: This cheerful and vibrant yellow hue brings a burst of energy and positivity. It creates a sense of enthusiasm and motivation, making it perfect for highlighting important tasks or urgent deadlines.

3. Color Name: Serene Blue
   Hex Code: 
   Palette Description: This tranquil shade of blue evokes a sense of serenity and clarity. It is great for tasks requiring focus and concentration, helping to create a calm environment that enhances productivity.

4. Color Name: Passionate Red
   Hex Code: 
   Palette Description: This bold and intense red color symbolizes urgency and importance. It is perfect for highlighting critical tasks or deadlines that require immediate attention, ensuring they stand out in the midst of other to-dos.

5. Color Name: Neutral Gray
   Hex Code: 
   Palette Description: This versatile and timeless shade of gray provides a balanced and neutral backdrop for organizing tasks. It complements other colors in the palette, allowing the user to categorize tasks or create sections without overwhelming the visual hierarchy.