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#1976D2 Fading Night
#FFC107 Marigold
#009688 Dynasty Green
#FF5722 Smashing Pumpkins
#3F51B5 Blasphemous Blue

dynamic theme color material3 for android

Palette Description

Color Palette: Dynamic Theme Color Material3 for Android

1. Color: Deep Blue
   Hex Code: 
   Description: A deep and vibrant blue color that adds a sense of richness and depth to the user interface. It is perfect for highlighting important elements and creating a visually appealing contrast.

2. Color: Amber
   Hex Code: 
   Description: A warm and lively amber color that brings a touch of energy and optimism to the overall design. It can be used to draw attention to notifications or important actions, adding a vibrant pop to the interface.

3. Color: Teal
   Hex Code: 
   Description: A refreshing teal color that evokes a sense of tranquility and balance. It is ideal for creating a calm and soothing environment within the app, providing a sense of stability and reliability.

4. Color: Deep Orange
   Hex Code: 
   Description: A deep orange color that exudes warmth and excitement. It can be used to highlight critical alerts or emphasize important information, making it stand out in the user interface.

5. Color: Indigo
   Hex Code: 
   Description: A rich indigo color that adds elegance and sophistication to the app's visual design. It is perfect for creating a sense of depth and professionalism, making the interface feel polished and refined.

Note: These colors are based on the Material Design guidelines for Android and are commonly used in dynamic theme color schemes for Android applications.