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#F2D6B0 Light Sand
#D09A6B Golden Bronze
#7A5B3B Deep Olive
#F6A79A Coral Peach
#E1B7A1 Soft Almond

Marik Ishtar - Skin

Palette Description

 <Marik Ishtar Skin Palette> 
1. Light Sand - 
                         - A soft, warm beige reminiscent of sun-kissed skin. 
2. Golden Bronze - 
                         - A rich, warm bronze that gives a sun-tanned appearance. 
3. Deep Olive - 
                         - A darker, earthy tone that adds depth and shadow. 
4. Coral Peach - 
                         - A light, warm coral that emulates a natural warmth in the skin. 
5. Soft Almond - 
                         - A creamy, subtle almond shade that complements the overall palette. 

This color palette captures the essence of Marik Ishtar’s skin tone, showcasing warm and earthy hues that reflect a sunlit, tanned appearance. The combination of lighter and darker shades creates a balance that can be used for character design or artistic interpretations.

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