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#EDC9B9 Almond
#C2A68D Light Cocoa
#D6B8A7 Rose Beige
#C58B4D Honey Bronze
#EAB8C8 Soft Dusty Pink

Ishizu Ishtar - Skin

Palette Description

 <Ishizu Ishtar Skin Palette>
1. Almond - 
                         - A soft, warm skin tone that reflects a natural complexion.
2. Light Cocoa - 
                         - A rich, warm brown that adds depth and dimension.
3. Rose Beige - 
                         - A gentle rosy hue that enhances the warmth of the skin.
4. Honey Bronze - 
                         - A warm, golden bronze that adds a sun-kissed glow.
5. Soft Dusty Pink - 
                         - A delicate pink that provides a subtle, feminine touch.

This color palette reflects the warm and earthy tones reminiscent of Ishizu Ishtar’s skin, capturing both the natural beauty and the ethereal essence of her character.

Would you like to explore additional palettes for her clothing or accessories? Or perhaps you want to discuss how to incorporate these colors into a design?