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#EED6C4 Skin
#5B3A29 Hair
#6A5ACD Eyes

Ishizu Ishtar - Skin Hair Eyes

Palette Description

 <Ishizu Ishtar>
1. Skin - 
                         - A soft, warm beige that reflects a gentle and natural skin tone.
2. Hair - 
                         - A deep, rich brown that embodies the luxurious and dark shade of Ishizu's hair.
3. Eyes - 
                         - A striking shade of medium slate blue that captures the depth and intensity of her eyes.

This color palette draws inspiration from Ishizu Ishtar’s character design, featuring warm skin tones, deep brown hair, and captivating blue eyes. The combination creates a harmonious and elegant aesthetic.

Would you like to explore additional color variations or perhaps a complementary palette for a specific design project?