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#555B6E Cool Charcoal
#007AFF Electric Blue
#FFD300 Bright Yellow
#FF6F00 Bright Orange

Primary Text Color: Cool Charcoal (#555B6E) for main text, ensuring readability and contrast. Accent Colors: Use Electric Blue (#007AFF) and Bright Yellow (#FFD300) strategically for emphasis, icons, and section titles. Highlight/CTA Color: Bright Orange (#FF6F00) for buttons and key actions, making them stand out against the lighter background.

Palette Description

Based on your specifications, here’s a color palette that incorporates your chosen colors for a cohesive and visually appealing design:

 <Cool Charcoal Theme>
1. Cool Charcoal - 
                         - A deep, muted grayish-blue that serves as the primary text color, providing excellent readability and contrast against lighter backgrounds.
2. Electric Blue - 
                         - A vibrant and striking blue, perfect for accentuating elements such as icons and section titles, adding a modern touch.
3. Bright Yellow - 
                         - A bold and cheerful yellow that draws attention effectively, ideal for highlighting important information or calls to action.
4. Bright Orange - 
                         - A warm and energetic orange that is perfect for buttons and key actions, ensuring they stand out prominently against the lighter background.

This palette blends a sophisticated primary text color with energetic accent and highlight colors, ensuring a balance of readability and visual engagement.

Would you like suggestions on how to apply this palette in your design, or are there any specific elements you want to focus on?