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#1F6B3E Excel Green
#E6E6E6 Spreadsheet Gray
#0072C6 Formula Blue
#F6EB61 Cell Yellow
#FFA500 Chart Orange


Palette Description


1. Excel Green - #1F6B3E - A vibrant green reminiscent of the classic Excel interface, symbolizing growth and productivity. 2. Spreadsheet Gray - #E6E6E6 - A soft light gray that mimics the background of Excel sheets, providing a neutral balance. 3. Formula Blue - #0072C6 - A bold blue that reflects the functionality of Excel, representing clarity and precision. 4. Cell Yellow - #F6EB61 - A bright yellow that highlights important cells, evoking attention and focus. 5. Chart Orange - #FFA500 - A warm orange that signifies enthusiasm and creativity, often used in data visualization. This color palette captures the essence of Excel's interface and functionality, blending productivity with clarity and creativity. What type of project are you considering using this color palette for?