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#8B4513 Earthy Brown
#A2C77C Savanna Green
#FF4500 Sunset Orange
#EDC9A6 Desert Sand
#0077BE Ocean Blue

Візитівка Африки

Palette Description

 <African Vibes> 
1. Earthy Brown - 
                         - A rich, warm brown reminiscent of the African soil and landscapes.
2. Savanna Green - 
                         - A soft green reflecting the lush vegetation found in many African regions.
3. Sunset Orange - 
                         - A vibrant orange symbolizing the breathtaking sunsets across the African plains.
4. Desert Sand - 
                         - A light beige that captures the essence of the arid deserts in Africa.
5. Ocean Blue - 
                         - A deep blue representing the vast oceans and lakes surrounding the continent.

This color palette reflects the diverse landscapes of Africa, from its rich earth and vibrant sunsets to the lush greenery and vast oceans. Each color embodies a unique aspect of the continent’s natural beauty.

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