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#D3D3D3 Ash White
#7B5B3A Tobacco Brown
#E3D5C4 Paper Beige
#4E5452 Charcoal Gray
#F5E07F Filter Yellow

Color of cigarette

Palette Description

 <Cigarette Colors> 
1. Ash White - 
                         - A soft, light gray reminiscent of ashes left behind after smoking.
2. Tobacco Brown - 
                         - A warm, earthy brown representing the color of tobacco leaves.
3. Paper Beige - 
                         - A light beige that mimics the color of cigarette paper.
4. Charcoal Gray - 
                         - A dark gray that reflects the color of burnt ends and leftover ash.
5. Filter Yellow - 
                         - A light, muted yellow evocative of cigarette filters.

This color palette captures the various hues associated with cigarettes, from the ash and burnt remnants to the natural tones of tobacco and paper.

Do you have a specific application in mind for this color palette, such as for branding, illustrations, or UI design?