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#E0B0FF Mauve
#DC143C Crimson Red
#9F7BBA Deep Mauve
#9B111E Ruby Red
#E6E6FA Lavender

mauve + red

Palette Description

 <Mauve and Red Harmony>
1. Mauve - 
                         - A soft, muted purple that brings a sense of calm and elegance.
2. Crimson Red - 
                         - A vibrant, bold red that evokes passion and energy.
3. Deep Mauve - 
                         - A darker shade of mauve that adds depth and sophistication.
4. Ruby Red - 
                         - A rich, jewel-toned red that adds drama and intensity.
5. Lavender - 
                         - A light, airy purple that complements mauve while softening the palette.

This color palette combines the gentle elegance of mauve with the bold intensity of red, creating a harmonious balance between calmness and passion. The inclusion of deeper and lighter shades adds depth and versatility, making it suitable for various design projects.

Would you like to explore how to use these colors in specific design applications, or do you have other color combinations in mind?