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#007ACC Primary Blue
#F2F2F2 Soft Gray
#4D4D4D Dark Gray
#28A745 Highlight Green
#FF9800 Warning Orange

generate color palette for simple but good looking UI for excel userform

Palette Description

 <Excel UserForm UI> 
1. Primary Blue - 
                         - A bright, professional blue that conveys trust and clarity, ideal for primary buttons and accents.
2. Soft Gray - 
                         - A light gray that provides a clean background, ensuring elements are easy to read and visually appealing.
3. Dark Gray - 
                         - A darker gray for text and secondary elements, offering a good contrast against the soft gray background.
4. Highlight Green - 
                         - A vibrant green for success messages and highlights, adding a friendly touch to user interactions.
5. Warning Orange - 
                         - A warm orange for warning messages or important notifications, capturing attention without being too aggressive.

This color palette is designed to provide a clean and modern look for an Excel userform, allowing for ease of use while maintaining a professional appearance. The primary blue creates a strong focal point, while the grays ensure readability. The accent colors of green and orange offer effective ways to communicate success and warnings, respectively.

Would you like to explore specific components of the userform design, or do you need additional color options for different functionalities?