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#D5006D Lotus Pink
#4CAF50 Leaf Green
#2196F3 Water Blue
#8D6E63 Earth Brown
#FFB300 Sunset Gold

Indian lotus garden

Palette Description

 <Indian Lotus Garden>
1. Lotus Pink - 
                         - A vibrant pink reminiscent of blooming lotus flowers.
2. Leaf Green - 
                         - A fresh green reflecting the lush leaves of the lotus plants.
3. Water Blue - 
                         - A tranquil blue representing the serene water in which the lotuses grow.
4. Earth Brown - 
                         - A warm brown symbolizing the rich soil of the garden.
5. Sunset Gold - 
                         - A warm gold reminiscent of the sun setting over the garden, adding warmth and light.

This color palette captures the essence of an Indian lotus garden, combining the vibrant colors of the lotus flowers, the greenery of the leaves, and the tranquility of the water, balanced with earthy tones and warm accents.

What specific design project are you considering using this color palette for?