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#4C9F4D Paddy Green
#8B4513 Earth Brown
#87CEEB Sky Blue
#FF4500 Sunset Orange
#FFD700 Golden Yellow

West Bengal rice fields

Palette Description

 <West Bengal Rice Fields>
1. Paddy Green - 
                         - A vibrant green reminiscent of lush rice paddies.
2. Earth Brown - 
                         - A deep brown symbolizing the fertile soil.
3. Sky Blue - 
                         - A soft blue reflecting the clear skies over the fields.
4. Sunset Orange - 
                         - A warm orange that captures the stunning sunsets seen in rural landscapes.
5. Golden Yellow - 
                         - A bright yellow representing ripe rice ready for harvest.

This color palette captures the essence of the West Bengal rice fields, showcasing the vibrant greens of the rice plants, the rich browns of the earth, the serene blues of the sky, and the warm tones of sunset and ripened grain.

Do you have a specific project in mind where you want to apply this palette?