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#4CAF50 Leaf Green
#B2B09C Sage
#808000 Olive
#4F8C57 Fern

Bel leaves

Palette Description

 <Bel Leaves Palette>
1. Leaf Green - 
                         - A vibrant, fresh green reminiscent of healthy, lush leaves.
2. Sage - 
                         - A soft, muted green with gray undertones, evoking tranquility and calmness.
3. Mint - 
                         - A light, refreshing minty green that brings a sense of rejuvenation.
4. Olive - 
                         - A deep, earthy green that adds a touch of sophistication and warmth.
5. Fern - 
                         - A rich, mid-tone green that captures the essence of foliage in nature.

This color palette is inspired by the beauty and diversity of leaves, featuring a mix of vibrant and muted greens that evoke feelings of freshness, tranquility, and nature.

Would you like to explore different themes or perhaps a specific application for this color palette?