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#4CAF50 Leaf Green
#2E7D32 Forest Green
#98FF98 Mint
#808000 Olive
#B2BEB5 Sage

Bel leaves

Palette Description

 <Bel Leaves>
1. Leaf Green - 
                         - A vibrant, fresh green reminiscent of healthy, young leaves.
2. Forest Green - 
                         - A deeper green that reflects the lushness of a dense forest.
3. Mint - 
                         - A soft, pastel green that evokes a sense of calm and freshness.
4. Olive - 
                         - A muted green with a hint of brown, reminiscent of mature leaves.
5. Sage - 
                         - A soft, grayish-green that brings a subtle, earthy feel.

This color palette embodies the essence of bel leaves, with shades ranging from vibrant greens to muted tones, creating a natural and refreshing aesthetic.

What kind of project are you considering for this color palette? Would you like to explore specific applications or variations?