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#FFD700 Golden Yellow
#800000 Deep Maroon
#003366 Midnight Blue
#FFFFFF Classic White
#228B22 Forest Green

উত্তম কুমার

Palette Description

 <Uttam Kumar Tribute>
1. Golden Yellow - 
                         - A warm and vibrant shade representing the brilliance and charisma of Uttam Kumar.
2. Deep Maroon - 
                         - A rich and elegant color symbolizing the depth of his performances and legacy.
3. Midnight Blue - 
                         - A deep and calming blue that reflects the nostalgia of classic cinema.
4. Classic White - 
                         - Pure and timeless, representing the clarity and simplicity of storytelling in his films.
5. Forest Green - 
                         - A refreshing and natural shade, embodying the connection to the cultural roots of Bengal.

This color palette captures the essence of Uttam Kumar’s legacy in Bengali cinema, combining warmth, elegance, and nostalgia.

What specific project or context do you plan to use this color palette for?