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#D9B88A Light Tan
#F6E0B5 Golden Blonde
#FFBF00 Amber
#FF6F20 Bright Orange
#6A1B9A Deep Purple

Stella is a lightly-tan skinned young woman with a long blonde hair and golden amber eyes; orange shirts and purple skirts.

Palette Description

<Stella’s Vibrance>

  1. Light Tan - #D9B88A - A warm, sandy tone that reflects Stella’s lightly-tan skin.
  2. Golden Blonde - #F6E0B5 - A soft, light blonde that captures the essence of Stella’s long hair.
  3. Amber - #FFBF00 - A warm, rich golden-yellow that mirrors Stella’s striking amber eyes.
  4. Bright Orange - #FF6F20 - A vivid and energetic orange that complements Stella’s favorite shirt color.
  5. Deep Purple - #6A1B9A - A bold and royal purple that adds depth and contrast to Stella’s outfit.

This color palette celebrates Stella’s unique features and preferences, combining warm earth tones with vibrant pops of color for a lively and eye-catching aesthetic.

What kind of project are you working on that relates to Stella? Are you looking for specific design ideas or applications for this palette?