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#FF0000 Red
#FFA500 Orange
#FFFF00 Yellow
#00FF00 Green
#0000FF Blue
#4B0082 Indigo
#8A2BE2 Violet


Palette Description

Color Palette: Rainbow

1. Red
   - Hex Code: 
   - Description: A vibrant and passionate color that represents energy, love, and excitement. It symbolizes power and demands attention.

2. Orange
   - Hex Code: 
   - Description: A warm and lively color that combines the energy of red with the happiness of yellow. It signifies enthusiasm, creativity, and warmth.

3. Yellow
   - Hex Code: 
   - Description: A bright and cheerful color that represents happiness, positivity, and enlightenment. It symbolizes joy, optimism, and intellect.

4. Green
   - Hex Code: 
   - Description: A refreshing and calming color associated with nature, growth, and renewal. It symbolizes harmony, balance, and fertility.

5. Blue
   - Hex Code: 
   - Description: A cool and tranquil color that evokes a sense of calmness, serenity, and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, and wisdom.

6. Indigo
   - Hex Code: 
   - Description: A deep and mysterious color that represents intuition, spirituality, and introspection. It symbolizes wisdom, self-reflection, and dignity.

7. Violet
   - Hex Code: 
   - Description: A rich and regal color associated with luxury, creativity, and spirituality. It symbolizes imagination, mystery, and royalty.

This color palette showcases the seven colors of the rainbow - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Each color represents a unique aspect of emotions, nature, and symbolism. Together, they create a vibrant and harmonious blend that captures the spectrum of colors found in a rainbow.