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#FFD700 Gold
#5D3A91 Deep Plum
#FFFDD0 Cream
#333333 Charcoal Grey
#F2C6D4 Soft Blush

Luxury candle website

Palette Description

 <Luxury Candle Collection> 
1. Gold - 
                         - A rich, warm metallic hue that evokes a sense of opulence and elegance, perfect for a luxurious feel.
2. Deep Plum - 
                         - A dark, sophisticated purple that conveys a sense of richness and depth, ideal for a premium product.
3. Cream - 
                         - A soft, warm neutral that adds a touch of sophistication and balances the bolder colors in the palette.
4. Charcoal Grey - 
                         - A deep grey that brings a modern touch while maintaining a classic aesthetic, great for text and accents.
5. Soft Blush - 
                         - A gentle pink that offers a hint of warmth and delicacy, enhancing the overall luxurious feel of the palette.

This color palette combines luxurious and elegant tones that resonate with the theme of high-end candles. The gold adds a touch of glamour, while the deep plum and charcoal grey provide depth and sophistication. Cream and soft blush introduce warmth and approachability, making the palette inviting yet upscale.

What specific emotions or themes do you want to convey through the website? Are there particular scents or styles of candles you want to highlight?