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#FF4500 Flame Red
#FF8C00 Ember Orange
#FF6F61 Sunset Coral
#333333 Charcoal Black
#FFD700 Golden Yellow

I need a color palette for an Excel document for a team called "Fuego" that features lots of red and orange colors

Palette Description

1. Flame Red - 
                         - A vibrant, fiery red that embodies passion and energy.
2. Ember Orange - 
                         - A warm, inviting orange that evokes warmth and creativity.
3. Sunset Coral - 
                         - A soft coral color that adds a touch of playfulness.
4. Charcoal Black - 
                         - A deep black that provides contrast and sophistication.
5. Golden Yellow - 
                         - A bright, cheerful yellow that adds brightness and optimism.

This color palette, “Fuego,” captures the essence of fire and energy with its bold reds and oranges. The inclusion of charcoal black provides contrast, while the golden yellow adds a touch of brightness, making for a dynamic and engaging Excel document.

What specific sections or data are you planning to highlight in the Excel document? Would you like to incorporate any additional elements or themes?